Voting Info
Voting is easy in Greenbrier County!
Make sure you’re registered to vote.
If you’re a new voter, register now online or go to your county courthouse to register. Check the WV Secretary of State website for detailed instructions. (The deadline for registration is October 15, 2024.)
Returning voters should confirm their registration and polling location, especially if you’ve moved or haven’t voted recently.
Decide how you prefer to vote – you have options.
​Vote by mail with an absentee ballot. The deadline to request an absentee ballot is October 30, 2024.
Vote early in person from October 23 - November 2, 2024, Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 4:30 pm, and Sat. 9 am - 5 pm at either of these locations in Greenbrier County:
869 Court St. N in Lewisburg (known as the Masonic Temple building)
604 Nicholas St, Rupert
Vote in Person on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2024. Look up your polling place here.
See what’s on your ballot.
View and print District 46 sample ballot with our endorsements marked.
View and print District 47 sample ballot with our endorsements marked.
If you're not sure what district you're in, look up your sample ballot on Ballotpedia.
Learn more about our candidates here.
Make your plan to vote.
Once you’ve decided how, when, and where you’ll be voting, invite a friend to join you. If needed, request a ride to the polls.
Share what you’ve learned.
Tell your friends and family about your voting plan and encourage them to make their own. Then, cast your ballot and let your voice be heard!
Need more info? Visit or contact us.
More resources:
Greenbrier County Clerk Office: Voter registration, absentee voting, and early voting.
West Virginia Democratic Party: Learn about Democratic events and candidates across the state.
West Virginia Watch: Independent, nonpartisan news service holding public officials and agencies accountable.
Mountain State Spotlight: Sustained outrage journalism exposing abuses of power by government and institutions.
Real WV: Local news that goes beyond the headlines to touch the heart of Appalachian identity.